Sue Pickernell was born in the Hawkes Bay in 1960 and educated in Rotorua. She holds a Veterinary Science degree from Massey University and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design. Bern Dell was born in 1955 and with a background as a professional musician and sound engineer; he is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design. The artists seek to use industrial or commercially available materials in ways that bring out a whimsical ad hoc element and explore themes relating to human inventiveness.
Pickernell and Dell were award the 2007 Temporary Sculpture Commission at Connells Bay and created a perspex waterway elevated on a scaffold of steel and copper. Their work referenced the abundance of spring water at Connells bay contrasted with the water supply issues that generally exist on Waiheke Island. Light, sound and movement are all ephemeral ad hoc elements were well suited to the artists? exploration of the environment, the weather and the passage of time.